I-House Annual Appeal

As I learn more about I-House’s unique and rich history, the distinct features and needs of this historic building, and our vital mission, the dedicated support of the I-House community is clear.
Shaun Carver International House Executive Director
December 7, 2020

Dear I-House Community,

In August of this year, I was given the honor and the privilege to be appointed to serve as International House’s sixth Executive Director. Although I enter this position amidst a distinctly challenging time, I am optimistic about the opportunities ahead and eager to continue to carry on the nine-decade record of excellence in opening minds and broadening perspectives among the next generations of leaders from around the world.

The vibrancy, resilience, and strength of I-House traditions, community, and connections are a firm foundation for maintaining our vision of a more just and peaceful world during the global pandemic.  The challenges facing the world are indeed sobering–especially now as the worldwide pandemic, economic uncertainty, and society’s numerous unresolved issues call us to reflect and to recalibrate our actions. “Business-as-usual” clearly is not an option. Yet those who understand and have supported the ideals of International House know that while age-old problems continue to persist, the solutions remain clear. What better way to avoid and to ameliorate global conflicts and crises, escalating tensions, and fears of confrontation than to redouble our commitment to the mission of International House?

Our Mission:  Fostering intercultural respect and understanding, lifelong friendships, and leadership skills for a more just and peaceful world.

As one of our supporters who shares our mission, you appreciate the lifetime impact of the day-to-day practice of international fellowship, and how a gift to International House can create a world of opportunities for our residents from around the globe. 

I would like to convey my personal thanks to our alumni and supporters who have already provided financial contributions this fiscal year, including during the recent “Giving Tuesday.”  If you have not yet had an opportunity, we hope that you will consider supporting I-House and will make a gift now to help future residents have this singular opportunity to enjoy such a life-changing experience. Your gift today provides future global leaders the chance to learn and grow under the I-House dome.

Click here to Donate Now

We are hard at work on the daunting but exciting challenges now ahead of us to visualize “I-House 2.0,” and importantly how and when to open again safely, while still enabling the vitality of our intercultural community which has been the foundation of I-House’s magic for all of these years. During these turbulent times and the temporary closure of I-House, we need your support to prepare for our reopening, to begin to replenish our depleted reserves, and to build resilience for the future.

We continue to focus on key repairs, restoration, and renovations underway in our historic home, as we reimagine how we may adapt our operations to provide safe and socially distant common areas, restrooms, dining, and residential services.  Through the support of generous alumni and friends, we are on track with needed seismic retrofits and other updates to maintain the building’s charm while enhancing access, the exchange of ideas, and improvements in the delivery of services to our residents.  Yet there is still much to be done.

Virtual Coffee HourAs you know, I-House by design brings together residents from different nations, religions, skill sets, and cultural backgrounds and instills within them the desire to make the world a better place. Upon the re-opening of I-House when it is safe to do so, we look forward to continuing to provide the opportunity for residents to enjoy and to expand their horizons through coffee hours, excursions, and intercultural leadership training sessions.  In the meantime, we are innovating with virtual gatherings to keep our community connected!  

Your gifts to I-House help residents internalize this singular opportunity to enjoy such a life-changing experience.

Please make your gift today in support of The Fund for I-House. Your generosity provides mission-critical resources that further the I-House vision of fostering a more just and peaceful world through broader intercultural understanding and mutual respect.  Thank you for your support!


 Shaun Carver signature

Shaun R. Carver
International House Executive Director

P.S. –Thank you if you have already given recently!  We encourage online gifts this year due to continuing delays in postal deliveries.  If you wish to contribute to I-House via credit card, we recommend doing so online.  If you wish to send a physical check, please do so as soon as possible to avoid delays in delivery and processing.

 Your gifts are important to keep the I-House dream alive today, tomorrow, and forever. We are extremely grateful for all support and hope that you would consider a gift during this pivotal time. Please visit the "How to Give" section of our website, contact us at ihphilanthropy@berkeley.edu, or call (510) 642-4128 to speak with us about other ways of giving including making a legacy gift in your estate plans.

I-House logo Tenth Decade

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Shaun Carver, Executive Director

Shaun Carver, I-House Executive Director

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