Dedicate a Brick, Bench, or Table

Cafe Patio Bricks

Brick Dedication: $1,000

Bench Dedication: $10,000

Table Dedication: $20,000

Dedicated bricks are installed on the Von Kaschnitz Patio located just outside of Edmonds' Café in front of I-House.

Dedicate a brick online

Download the Brick Dedication Form (PDF)

Bench dedications are engraved on bronze plaques and mounted on benches, which, space permitting, may be placed outside of the Edmonds' Café, in the Heller courtyard in the center of I-House, or on the Jewell patio in the back garden.

Table dedications are engraved on plaques and mounted on a table of your choice in the David Fleishhacker Library or the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Dining Commons.

To inquire about these and other naming opportunities, please contact us at (510) 642-4128 or by  

Bench plaque closeup 

 Family members of I-House alumnus Rangaiya Rao gather around the bench they dedicated in his memory.

Family members of I-House alumnus Rangaiya Rao gather around the bench they dedicated in his memory

Brick engraved sample
bricks samples

Giving Resources

For questions, email us at